Monday, April 26, 2010

remember...or forget...

don't call me ur lover,
we must keep it to ourselves,
don't call me ur boyfriend,
they must not know,
don't call me forever, or beginning,
we know where we are going...

keep the love alive, never let it falter,
soon we shall have our chance,
tell me u love me without words,
comfort me without holding me,
love me not in secret, but openly,
love me with your eyes, ur soul,
love every part of me as u have,
continue to grow in love with me
as if nothing were different...

don't forget the love we share,
the secret we must keep, and
never forget the path we must follow,
remember to keep the fight alive,
only this is the path to us...
remember we are more than friends,
remember we are more than lovers,
remember we are more than a beginning,
remember we are more... not forget, otherwise
the pain, the happiness, the tears,
and the laughs we shared are lost
to eternity, remember who we are,
and to whom we belong, always
know that our paths may seem
distant, but we walk them hand
in hand, hold my hand darling...
let us walk this path...fight for us,
my love, this we must do...

unless...of course...u want to forget...
do you?


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