Sunday, April 18, 2010


if happiness were all it is worth,
i would gladly give mine to her,
if loneliness were all it is worth,
i would take it all from her,
if pain were all it is worth,
i would feel hers so she wouldn't have to,
if love were all it is worth,
i would love her even when she didn't love me...

it is not the light of day that guides my soul,
but the darkness of mind that speaks to my body feels, she senses danger,
an early warning system, 'be careful' she says...
insomnia plagues the mind of fostered depravity,
hungry is it to feel the release of tension...
the mind rippled and warped, it shall not see
this coming!  when it has been said many times,
it is not in your best interest to ignore...

if life were all it is worth,
please take mine so you may live,
if liberty is all it is worth,
please, chain me up so you may roam free,
if despair is all it is worth,
please give it to me, you do not need it,
if you were all it is worth,
please, don't leave, please...

bask us not in the warmth of sun, cool
instead on the shores of never,
give life your knowledge, you have no
use of it here, the moon has gone from this
place, the sun neither sets nor rises...
snake of sky and bird of ocean, please
make sense of this upside down world...
can you really say that what you think
is what your heart has requested of you?
open your eyes to what is before you,
take your chances, leap your leap,
fly your fly, fall your fall...
'i shall always be there to catch you,'
the net has spoken, fear not, just


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